I've mentioned before that Darling and I had discussed the possibility of adoption, and decided to remain open to the idea of it "in the future." I recently finished reading
The Spirit of Adoption: Winning the Battle for the Children
[affiliate link] by Randy Bohlender, which got me thinking about it even more. (It's a fantastic book, and I highly recommend reading it!) I guess my thinking about it more turned into talking about it more, because we soon reopened the discussion about whether or not adoption was right for us. While I had always envisioned adopting internationally, Darling had some valid concerns about it that made it seem like a good idea...but just not right now. After reading Bohlender's book, my heart was more open to the idea of domestic adoption, which is what Darling had been pushing for all along. I started doing more research into it, and we finally discovered that we were on the same page at last.
We recently contacted an adoption consultant to find out if pursuing adoption at this time is even possible with a strong likelihood of moving to a different state sometime next year. She answered our questions and gave us a better understanding of the whole thing, so WE ARE GOING TO ADOPT A BABY!!! (Sorry for "yelling", but I'm so flipping excited!!!)
Our first and most time-consuming step is the dreaded home study, where we submit a mountain of paperwork about ourselves and have home visits and interviews to determine if we are fit to adopt. (Please say yes!) Please keep us in your prayers during the coming months, as we deal with whatever challenges and financial hurdles that lay ahead. And don't forget to pray for the birth parents, as they probably have a lot of difficulties to deal with as well. ♥
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